华杰集团是一家环保型的高科技企业,总部设在台湾花莲县,华杰在美国、英国、法国、德国、加拿大、内地深圳均设有分公司,旗下品牌梦之圆主营家用、商用净水器,净水设备,空气净化器、水净化材料的研发、生产和销售,在国内已建立一千多家销售网点。梦之圆在科技创新上全球领先,2013年德国总理默克尔在杜塞尔多夫的一个钢厂里,盛赞梦之圆净水器做工精细、口感清甜。梦之圆拥有一流的研发团队,集团与台湾大学联合成立定向人才培养班,使梦之圆在科技创新领域在同行业中遥遥领先.2012年伦敦奥运会直饮水工程,华杰集团是唯一 一个外资企业供应商.
Huajie group is an environmentally friendly high-tech enterprises, headquartered in Taiwan's Hualien county, the Chinese outstanding in the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, mainland China branch offices in shenzhen, brand dream round main household, commercial water purifiers, water purification equipment, air purifiers, water purification materials research and development, production and sales, has established more than one thousand sales outlets in the country.
Dream round for many years has been maintained a healthy, stable and rapid development, continuous innovation, constantly improve enterprise core competitive advantages, 2014 group put forward "the Chinese dream, everyone's dream, let everyone clean and healthy drinking water, breathing the fresh air, science and technology, better life".